Oh wow. Scrolls for Shoes for DEX got a lot more sexy now. That's an insane amount of avoid, and somewhat amused Scrolls for Shoes for Jump became the red headed stepchild now.
Oh wow. Scrolls for Shoes for DEX got a lot more sexy now. That's an insane amount of avoid, and somewhat amused Scrolls for Shoes for Jump became the red headed stepchild now.
Although it has been destroyed, but I'm sure my lvl-90-100%'d-def maple hat would be sad to see this.
Still, people will choose status scrolls over def/hp scrolls anyway.
I feel HP scrolls should've been that strong to start out with.
So I'm guessing it's too much to ask for the effects of the scroll changes to be retroactive...
WEll, even though scrolling items with defense and HP might still be meaningless post-BB, I hope they adjust actual existing equips to these changes. After all, this is just the first day this is on tespia.
IDK about accuracy and avoud, I have no idea how usefull such quantities are after big bang, all I've heard is you will miss unless you got the monster's lvl or higher.
I was going to ask whether the potential bonuses for these stats have been adjusted as well, when I realized that they already are in the right ballpark. Coincidence?
Anticipated this change for the past 4 years...glad they have finally caught on. =_=;
And as per usual, scrolls not indicated in the spoiler received no changes?
I see GM scrolls listed, however, being unfamiliar with KMS do these actually drop from something or are they solely there for GM's (who apparently need to attack something, even with their auto-kill hat) use for whatever reason?
Were there any changes to the mobs? Is all that accuracy really necessary? Seems like a lot of accuracy just from a single scroll, makes me think a mob requires about 600+ accuracy to 100% hit it.
there's no point in judging how other people play;
still.... $$$$$$$$$$ <- not meso, not nx, its about real money
WHAT? +100 accuracy scrolls? Are you kidding??? I know the accuracy formula was changed, but it's pretty weird IMO.