This is a Level Up Screenshot that I won't forget for a while~
Is it just me, or do most of these Screenies have some kind of Ultimate Spam?
I'm Lvl 72 now though.
Probably my last one for a long time.
Before my bishop got owned....
ProportionaI [gab] lvling to 150 and me to 180 :)
I love this whole.. FP levelling speed situation. Was getting 10%/10 min on 1x @ 79 with friends (188 bishop and 156 hero), got to 80 80% with them, then bought a 4hr card and got to level 85 42% with 2 other friends (122 B and 16X bishop...died around ~7? times.. extra 40% lost there.)
8 levels today. going for 87/88 tomorrow, not powerlevelling tomorrow..free slurpee day @ 711!
Here are another two:
Two levels today, got one accidentally while I was stalking a friend. xd
wow tirb stop fkn leveling HAHA.
and, if you dontsee the fun in what I do/did, Germ..make a fp, get to 8X, youll see. I can mist (takes ~6 seconds to mist 3 plats.) then safe spot for 4 seconds, chatting, then remist. The bishop loses about1k or 2k from each kill, and i get that/double it with 2x. 90% -10% a hour..at 94..still